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Points of sale

Points of sale represent the physical space(s) in your venue where a TiBillet box has been installed. Once in the interface, you can choose the one that concerns you (Bar, Restaurant, Membership, Cashless...). You'll find the categories and items assigned to this point of sale.

Thanks to the primary cards that are requested each time the application is opened, you can restrict access to certain points of sale to the users concerned.

Create a new point of sale

  • Click on the “Points of sale” category in the left column.
  • Click on the “Add Point of Sale” button at the top right.
  • Enter the name of the point of sale as well as the items that will be available
  • Save

A point of sale is visible in the interface if it contains articles. It is best to create the items first and then assign them to a point of sale.

Point of sale activation and management

As explained in the video above, adding a point of sale in the administration does not make it immediately visible in the store. For it to appear and be used, it must be associated with a primary card. This association allows it to be opened and accessed by authorized users.

Activation procedure :

  • Access the “Primary cards” menu in the left-hand column.
  • Select the primary card to which you wish to associate the point of sale.
  • In the “Points of sale” section, add the outlet concerned from the available list.
  • Save

Once this step has been completed, the point of sale will be accessible by scanning the primary card on a compatible box or phone.