Android Application
The application is not yet published on the Android, Apple, or FDroid Stores.
It is available at the following address:
Or scan this qrcode on a phone to visit the download page.
Your device must be NFC compatible. The application has been tested on the following hardware:
- OnePlus 3T
- Blackview
- Redmi 9
- Redmi Note pro 10
On first launch, indicate:
the DNS address of your cashless server
Ask your administrator. This is the address of your administration interface without https:// or /adminstaff
Give your device an explicit name to be able to find it easily (eg: Redmi9Alex)
A screen with an orange background appears. It tells you the name of the device to validate. On your administration page, go to the Device section (/adminstaff/APIcashless/device/)
Click “active” then save. Your device is now paired!
On your phone, press the orange screen, the application launches and asks you for your primary card :)