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So, you want to help with the development of TiBillet. Thank you! Open-source thrives thanks to people like you 🙏

First, if you don't have a specific task in mind already, check out the open issues on the official Github repositories.

It's the easiest way to figure out what problem needs fixing or what feature is being requested.


What you need is probably in the pinned repositories. If you are unsure of the role of Fedow, LaBoutik or Lespass, check out the basics on the three TiBillet engines.

TODO: link to engines and their roles in the doc (a very basic page in intro probably)

Understanding the workflow

When you work with Git forges like Github, there are ways in which you can make your contributions easier to handle:

  • If you're not part of the core team, fork the repository that interests you, work from there, and submit your changes through a pull request.
  • If you have an issue you want to work on, check that it doesn't already exists. If it does, join the discussion instead of doing your own thing!
  • When you start working on an issue, assign yourself to let others know you're working on it.
  • Last but not least: don't create pull requests without running the tests! Happens to the best of us. Ideally, you should run them before committing, with the help of a git hook for example.
Getting help

If you have any questions regarding Git, Github, or an aspect of development, join us on Discord or Matrix. These are mostly French-speaking spaces as the founders are from La Reunion, but we'll do our best to help (with a bit of un accent 🍷🥖).

Tools and languages used

TiBillet is:

  • Python software
  • developed with the help of the Django framework
  • its dependencies are handled through Poetry
  • it runs in Docker containers for production as well as development

If you don't feel at ease with the software stack, the best thing you can do is to go look for tutorials. Hopefully we'll compile a list of our own down here one of these days 😅


In particular, basic knowledge of Git can help. It is relatively easy to make a complete mess of a project by not grasping the way versioning works. There are safeguards, but you might struggle a lot more than necessary! I remember how that feels 😑

Local install

In order to develop and test things out, you're gonna need a (mostly) functional instance of TiBillet on your computer.

Let's make sure you have the required tools at hand. You need:

  • Docker CLI and the docker-compose extension
  • git
  • a Github account with a registered SSH key for forge access
  • an IDE (there are open-source gift licenses of PyCharm available on request, but a regular IDE like VSCodium works reasonably well - that's what I'm using 😉)

We're gonna start by creating a folder that will hold the different repositories required, in your local repository or work folder if you have one for example. It will look like this:

├── Fedow
├── LaBoutik
├── Lespass
├── Test-Driven-Development
└── Traefik


We are going to need an application proxy. TiBillet provides a basic configuration for a containerized Traefik + LetsEncrypt, so let's roll with it:

git clone Traefik

To start it:

cd Traefik
docker compose up -d

Navigating to https://localhost should now prompt you with a security warning about self-signed certificates (it's fine in this instance) and a 404 page not found. Good!


Remember to compose up Traefik every time you start a dev session on this project.

Key generation

TODO: Complicated and heavy for no reason.

The legacy way of generating the necessary configuration keys is to pull the production Fedow docker image and run poetry inside of it.

For each engine, we will need:

  • one or two Fernet keys (for the FERNET_KEY field and possibly, passwords)
  • a Django secret key (for the SECRET_KEY field)

You can generate 30 of each in your terminal by running:

docker run --rm tibillet/fedow poetry run python3 -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print('\n'.join([Fernet.generate_key().decode('utf-8') for i in range(0,30)]))"
docker run --rm tibillet/fedow poetry run python3 -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print('\n'.join([get_random_secret_key() for i in range(0,30)]))"

The first line will take some time as it need to pull the entire Docker image. Keep the keys somewhere, we're gonna need them to setup the engines.

We're also going to need a Stripe test key for the STRIPE_KEY_TEST field. Stripe is the payment solution that is currently taking care of the cashing in. You can obtain a key by creating a free account, then by going to Test mode -> API test key. Alternatively you can ask the team.

Fedow, Lespass, LaBoutik

Start by cloning the repositories:

git clone
git clone
git clone

From here, we need to write a bit of configuration. It will be better streamlined in the future, so bear with us 😋

Each engine needs its own .env file, which you can base on the env_example files you cloned.


Each environment variable must be readable from the .env file. No line deletion! Some of them can however stay empty (nullable).

Fedow environment

cp Fedow/env_example Fedow/.env
NameTarget environmentNullableDefault valueNotes
SECRET_KEYAllNoOne of the previously generated Django secret key
FERNET_KEYAllNoOne of the previously generated Fernet key
STRIPE_KEYProductionYesYour Stripe API key
DOMAINAllNofedow.tibillet.localhostChange to you domain and subdomain for production mode
STRIPE_KEY_TESTDevelopment, TestingYesYour Stripe API test key
STRIPE_TESTDevelopment, TestingNo0Set to 1 if STRIPE_KEY_TEST is filled
STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET_TESTDevelopment, TestingYesNo idea
DEBUGDevelopmentNo0Set to 1 for development
TESTTestingNo0Set to 1 for testing

Lespass environment

cp Lespass/env_example Lespass/.env
NameTarget environmentNullableDefault valueNotes
SECRET_KEYAllNoOne of the previously generated Django secret key
FERNET_KEYAllNoOne of the previously generated Fernet key
STRIPE_KEYProductionYesYour Stripe API key
DOMAINAllNotibillet.localhostChange to your domain for production mode
SUBAllNolespassInstance subdomain, change for production mode as necessary
METAAllNoagendaFederated calendar subdomain, change for production mode as necessary
FEDOW_DOMAINAllNofedow.tibillet.localhostDomain and subdomain of the Fedow engine
PUBLICAllNoTiBillet Coop.Main instance name
TIME_ZONEAllNoEurope/ParisTZ time zone of the instance
ADMIN_EMAILAllNoAdmin email (for the first admin)
POSTGRES_DBAllNolespassChange for production mode if necessary
POSTGRES_USERAllNolespass_postgresChange for production mode
POSTGRES_PASSWORDAllNoStrong password (one of the Fernet keys for example)
EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_HOST_USER, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORDAllYesEmail server, required to confirm user registrations for example
STRIPE_KEY_TESTDevelopment, TestingYesYour Stripe API test key
STRIPE_TESTDevelopment, TestingNo0Set to 1 if STRIPE_KEY_TEST is filled
DEBUGDevelopmentNo0Set to 1 for development
TESTTestingNo0Set to 1 for testing

LaBoutik environment

cp LaBoutik/env_example LaBoutik/.env
NameTarget environmentNullableDefault valueNotes
SECRET_KEYAllNoOne of the previously generated Django secret key
FERNET_KEYAllNoOne of the previously generated Fernet key
DOMAINAllNolaboutik.tibillet.localhostChange to you domain and subdomain for production mode
FEDOW_URLAllNohttps://fedow.tibillet.localhost/Fedow engine URL
LESPASS_TENANT_URLAllNohttps://lespass.tibillet.localhost/Lespass instance URL
TIME_ZONEAllNoEurope/ParisTZ time zone of the instance
ADMIN_EMAILAllNoAdmin email (for the first admin)
MAIN_ASSET_NAMEAllNoName of your main cashless asset (Centiment, HeartBit… whatever you like)
POSTGRES_DBAllNolaboutikChange for production mode if necessary
POSTGRES_USERAllNolaboutik_userChange for production mode
POSTGRES_PASSWORDAllNoStrong password (one of the Fernet keys for example)
EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_HOST_USER, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORDAllYesEmail server, required to confirm user registrations for example
BORG_PASSPHRASEAllYesPassword used for data backup
DEBUGDevelopmentNo0Set to 1 for development
TESTTestingNo0Set to 1 for testing
DEMODevelopment, TestingNo0Set to 1 for a register simulation
SENTRY_DNSDevelopment, TestingYesSentry Debug pour le back-end
SENTRY_FRONT_DNS, SENTRY_FRONT_ASSETDevelopment, TestingYesSentry Debug for front-end

The configuration should now be complete for the TiBillet engines.

Tests setup

For… reasons, the entire dev environment is assembled through the tests. The setup of the testing repository might seem familiar:

git clone
cp Test-Driven-Development/env_example Test-Driven-Development/.env

There! Setup done ☺️ Now we can start running the entire project from inside the test folder:

docker compose up -d

You can access the logs with:

docker compose logs -f

This particular docker-compose.yml relies on the folder structure of its parent folder shown in the beginning with the example name of tibillet-dev. Counterintuitive, but hey: now you know!

Manual engine start

The main difference between dev and prod containers is that running the docker compose command will not start the individual Django apps. It's a level of granularity that helps with development, but it means you get to start them manually by entering the containers. Lucky you! 🍀

Were're gonna start them in a particular order:

  1. Fedow
  2. Lespass
  3. LaBoutik (needs the other two to start)

The tools we need are in the Django containers, named after the engines: fedow_django, lespass_django and laboutik_django. To enter a container (Fedow example) :

# starting bash shell in fedow_django container
docker exec -ti fedow_django bash

From there we have a few options.

First is the script. It initializes testing data and starts the app right after. This is what we're gonna use at first boot:


We will also use it when we want to reset data, for example before starting the automated testing with relies on this predictible data.

For the rest of the container manipulations, we're going to need the Poetry shell, because we're gonna use Python commands.

To start Poetry's virtual env from the container:

 # we start the virtual env that handles the python dependencies
poetry shell

Django is handled through a script called Two commands are of interest to us here:

  • rsp (alias of ./ runserver starts Django but doesn't wipe out the data. This will help keep data between sessions. GThis command is used in most cases, flush is only used for testing or when something's gonz wrong.

  • As an option, if you're encontering graphical issues (such as assets not loading), you can attempt ./ collectstatic. Sometimes the graphical assets are not properly collected at first boot, in which case this can help.

Only thing left to do is to start the three engines in the order described earlier : Fedow, Lespass, then LaBoutik !


The docker command gets repetitive after a while. Why not create an alias, or even a little bash function that will shorten your labor and preserve your carpal tunnel? Here's mine:

function dockex {
docker exec -ti $1 bash

There's probably even a way to add the poetry stuff to it, look it up!

Is it working?

If you have used the default domain configuration, you can now access:

If everything is working as expected, congratulations: you're ready to go 🔧

If not, come talk to us, we'd love to help!

Wrapping up

Don't forget to docker compose down both here and in Traefik when you're done. You computer needs a break sometimes.

If you think you won't remember, remove the daemon option when you compose up (-d) and the command will run directly in the terminal, not as a background job. It's fine, you'll just need more tabs 😋



To stay up to date during development, pull the latest image:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d # start or restart the updated containers


You can run the Python tests through the same shell-ception required to do a manual start. Start by flushing the 3 Django apps to get fresh testing data, then run this inside your LaBoutik Django container:

laboutik_django> poetry shell$
./ test
TODO: end-to-end tests docs (they exist!)


Before causing any major change, backup any data that has value to your development. On your Fedow instance, you only need to save the database folder regularly. The other engines can be backed up through the Borgbackup util, cron tasks and database dumps. More about this in the future.

TODO: detailed backup explanation