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TiBillet is a FLOSS solution for payment, associative membership, online booking and ticketing, time and local currency management, festival cashless and order management for refreshment stands and catering facilities.

The general idea is to broaden the scope of a membership and/or cashless card already in circulation at many venues and festivals, to create a cooperative network.

The platform aims to encourage the circulation of audiences and cooperation between the various players in an area, such as third-party venues, associations, festivals, artists, craftsmen and open-source software developers.

Users have access to an NFC card valid throughout the TiBillet network, with no subscription or top-up fees, enabling them to manage and associate memberships, subscriptions, time currencies, local and/or free and federated to several venues.

Last but not least, TiBillet is an open-source software package developed by Code Commun, a SCIC (community interest company).

When you use TiBillet, you become part of a social economy network that supports you from A to Z.

To do what ?

TiBillet was designed to meet several goals:

  • Expand the scope of a membership and/or cashless card already in circulation in certain places and festivals.

  • Create a cooperative network of cultural places in a region or city, thus allowing the free flow of artists and audiences between different cultural events.

  • Offer event management and catering solutions accessible to small or young organizations.

  • Create a “time” currency system for the management and valorization of profits, or even the creation of local currency on a territory scale.

  • Create a federated agenda as a communication tool intended to promote cultural events organized by several members of a same body in a given territory.

  • Provide an innovative, yet eco-friendly solution using existing hardware, low-tech and local Fablab networks to reduce the carbon footprint.

  • Meet the needs of a federation of third places on a territorial scale.

  • Thinking together about a new way to create shared value.

For who ?

Community cafés, concert halls, festivals, restaurants, third places, cultural events organizers (one-off or permanent) and even retailers! Almost any establishment open to the public can simplify its management with TiBillet.

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